Brown Trout fishing
This is due in part to the fact that brown trout are smart fish. They tend to feed at dusk or at night. They do put up a fight though and that can be a great challenge to the fisherman. But, because of the difficultly to catch the brown trout, this fish has not been a big time game fish. But, there is much to know about it anyway. The brown trout, or SalmoTrutta, is also known by other names including German brown trout, German trout, English brown trout, European brown trout or Brownies. The brown trout is generally a small fish. It ranges in length from 12 inches to about four feet. It weighs up to Forty one pounds (world record). The coloring on this fish tends to be light brown on the backs and silvery on the sides and bottom. The brown trout is natively a European fish. In the waters of the Atlantic and even into western Asia is where they were originally found. They were introduced in the United States and Canada in 1883. They can now be found in most of the Canadian waters and the Great Lakes. The fish themselves seem to have had trouble being successful in the Canadian waters, but have been successful in Lake Michigan. When introduced there, they proved to be able to withstand intense degraded habitats that other trout could not survive in.
Trout fishing
The survival of the brown trout is due in part to the fact that they like to feed at night and therefore the adult has very few predators. In fact, its main predator is the human fisherman. The brown trout has been stocked in the Michigan Lake for years and has become an important part of the lake's ecosystem. Brown trout fishing is very popular here. In many places, surf casting brown trout has become a popular sport.
Lake Trout Fishing
Lake Trout are a type of fish that are completely different then any other fish. Those that like to go lake trout fishing, know that they are difficult to catch. Lake Trout fish are the ones everyone wants though as their size can be enormous! Lake Trout fishing is a great type of fishing, but you will need the knowledge of these fish before you begin to fish them. There are many unique qualities to lake trout. One of the most important is their size. The world record weight for lake trout is over 102 pounds! Imagine bringing that in! The average weight depends on what the fish eats. Those lake trout that can benefit from being in a lake with ciscoes, smelt or sculpins will grow to large sizes. These lake trout are called Siscowets or fat trout. Those that don't have this variety of small fish to eat, will eat plankton, insects, and crustaceans. Obviously, this fish is not going to weigh nearly as much. Another unique characteristic of the lake trout is where they live. Like other trout, they enjoy well oxygenated, cold, and clear water. But to find the quality of this type of water that they need, the lake trout like to live deep. Different times of the year will bring them to different levels in the water. During the cold, winter months, you can find lake trout in 20 feet or less of water. But, in the summer months, they like to be in 50-100 feet deep water. In fact, the Siscowets go much farther down to 500 feet! It is because of this depth that lake trout enjoy that keep lake trout fishing a difficult type.
Lake Trout
While lake trout are found in much of western and northern United States and Canada, because they live so far down you will need to do some bottom fishing using rigs to bring that fish up. And, the battle will be a long, hard fought one at that! Do enjoy your lake trout fishing.
Rainbow Trout Fishing
Rainbow trout are a fresh water fish. They are aggressive fish in that they put up a great fight for the fisherman. Maybe because of this rainbow trout are one of the most popular types of game fish available. Rainbow trout tend to be one of the most sought after fish out there. Their meat is only one reason for this as the thrill of catching this fish is far greater!
Wisconsin Trout Fishing
Rainbow trout range in size from a foot to a foot and a half up to 40 inches in some cases. Their weight ranges from 2 pounds up to about 27 pounds. They are also known as steelhead trout, coast rainbow trout, or silver trout. Rainbow Trout range in color but most are blue to blue green, yellowish green to a light colored brown on their backs. Their sides are silvery while their bottoms are a silver white color. You can find rainbow trout in several areas including the Great Lakes region of North America, and west of the Rocky Mountains in fresh water lakes and streams. Their native region is actually the eastern Pacific Ocean. In recent years, rainbow trout have been introduced to several areas including South America, Africa, Japan, New Zealand, and in parts of Asia and Europe.
Lake Michigan Trout fishing
People who plan to do some rainbow trout fishing will need to know several things about this fish. First of all, realize that these fish like to fight and are aggressive by nature. They tend to be difficult fish to reel in. The angler or fly fisherman will find them to be a great challenge. Also, rainbow trout tend to stay in the upper 30-35 feet of water so there are easy to spot. Getting into the boat, well, that is determined by the fisherman's skill. But, these fish are a great catch and anyone who is interested in doing some rainbow trout fishing, should ensure that they have nice, strong equipment and a good sense of how to deal with a struggling fish! Do enjoy your rainbow trout fishing?
Fishing Steelhead
This article is intended to be a basic education in the great game fish, the Steelhead. Entire volumes have been written on the subject, so this article will not go into much specific detail. Those of you wanting the hottest tip, will be better off calling your buddy, local guide or fly shop. However, if you are a beginner or thinking of beginning, or a seasoned veteran looking to catch perhaps a new idea or remember a lost one, we hope this series will be of value.
Steelhead fishing
Steelhead are nothing more than sea run Rainbow Trout. They are born in fresh water streams (at least the wild steelhead are) where they imprint everything from water chemistry to natural occurring food sources. The Steelhead life cycle is about as varied and complicated as fish can get. They can spend anywhere from 1 to 4 years in freshwater before going to sea and 1 to 4 years at sea. Steelhead are native to the Pacific once occurring from the Asiatic coast to Southern Alaska and originally down to the Tijuana River. Now they are found as far south as Central California.
Steelhead have been successfully planted in the Great Lakes region, and fly-fishing there can be incredible. Great Lakes steelhead live entirely in freshwater, and migrate up the tributaries to duplicate the spawning behavior of the Pacific Steelhead.
Great Lakes Trout fishing
To further complicate the Steelhead life cycle is the time they return to spawn. There are generally two runs of steelhead. One enters the river in the summer and runs through fall, usually spawning in early to mid-winter. This is typically called the summer run. And then there is a winter run where the fish enter the river in early winter to early spring and spawning sometime in that time frame. The Great Lakes Steelhead generally enter the river in early fall, especially in Pennsylvania, and fishing can be done in fall, winter and spring.
Steelhead fly-fishing is becoming more and more popular and with good reason. When conditions are ideal a ?chromer? will smash a fly and treat the fly angler to a treat that is hard to duplicate. When steelhead enter the river we are getting them at their biological prime. Loaded with survival instincts that include territorial and sexual aggression, they can rip into your fly and go off on a terror of a run, that will often leave the uninitiated limp lined and open mouthed. But the angler will be hooked.